Committed to fostering a healthier workforce by separating Healthcare from Health Insurance

Contact Us

At Employee.Healthcare our goal is to transform the way employees interact with our country's healthcare system.  In doing so, we believe we can:


  • Improve Access to care
  • Improve Quality of care
  • Improve Cost of care

    and even

  • Improve Health Outcomes
Our Solutions



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We work side by side with your existing benefit broker to customize solutions to fit the needs of your employee population:

On-Site / Near-Site / Virtual Care

Solving for healthcare delivery is the first step in the journey towards a fundamental shift in the healthcare ecosystem.  We accomplish this through leveraging our partnerships with a vast national network of trusted clinical partners.

Healthcare Without Barriers

Through our integrated care model, employees are given unlimited access to a team of dedicated healthcare professionals, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - at no added cost.  No Copays, Deductibles, etc

A Variety of Services

Your dedicated care team is made up of experienced healthcare professionals, allowing them to handle a large variety of your employee's most common day to day interactions with the healthcare system, without those "claims" ever hitting your underlying health plan.

Our offering

Empowering your workforce to be proactive in their healthcare experience.

Solutions that impact everyone involved:

"As a broker, I always try to stay up to date on the latest trends in the employer benefit space.  The population health strategies that Employee.Healthcare can deploy are a fantastic way to help drive down costs without sacrificing benefits!"

Byron, Benefit Broker

"Population Health has not only improved the well being of our employees but has translated into tangible financial benefits"

Paul, Owner of Restaurant Group

"The peace of mind that comes from knowing that we essentially have a "doctor's office" in a box in our kitchen is indescribable!  The ability to pull out the kit and connect to our dedicated care team in real time, with real medical data is a game changer."

Kirsten, Employee / Mom

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